

  • 目次

    IRQは、interrupt requestの略です。Linuxのドライバで使われるrequest_irqdevm_request_irqの違いを自分なりにまとめます。


     * request_irq - Add a handler for an interrupt line
     * @irq:	 The interrupt line to allocate
     * @handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs.
     *		     Primary handler for threaded interrupts
     *		     If NULL, the default primary handler is installed
     * @flags:	 Handling flags
     * @name:	 Name of the device generating this interrupt
     * @dev:	 A cookie passed to the handler function
     * This call allocates an interrupt and establishes a handler; see
     * the documentation for request_threaded_irq() for details.
    int request_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags, const char *name, void *dev)
    • irq:割り込み線(Interrupt line)
    • handler:割り込みハンドラ
    • flags:割り込みのタイプを決定するフラグ
    • name:割り込みを発生させるデバイス名
    • dev:割り込みハンドラに渡されるcookie(どのデバイスからの割り込みかを区別するために使われます。)



     * These correspond to the IORESOURCE_IRQ_* defines in
     * linux/ioport.h to select the interrupt line behaviour.  When
     * requesting an interrupt without specifying a IRQF_TRIGGER, the
     * setting should be assumed to be "as already configured", which
     * may be as per machine or firmware initialisation.
    #define IRQF_TRIGGER_NONE	0x00000000
    #define IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING	0x00000001
    #define IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING	0x00000002
    #define IRQF_TRIGGER_HIGH	0x00000004
    #define IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW	0x00000008
    #define IRQF_TRIGGER_PROBE	0x00000010
     * These flags used only by the kernel as part of the
     * irq handling routines.
     * IRQF_SHARED - allow sharing the irq among several devices
     * IRQF_PROBE_SHARED - set by callers when they expect sharing mismatches to occur
     * IRQF_TIMER - Flag to mark this interrupt as timer interrupt
     * IRQF_PERCPU - Interrupt is per cpu
     * IRQF_NOBALANCING - Flag to exclude this interrupt from irq balancing
     * IRQF_IRQPOLL - Interrupt is used for polling (only the interrupt that is
     *                registered first in a shared interrupt is considered for
     *                performance reasons)
     * IRQF_ONESHOT - Interrupt is not reenabled after the hardirq handler finished.
     *                Used by threaded interrupts which need to keep the
     *                irq line disabled until the threaded handler has been run.
     * IRQF_NO_SUSPEND - Do not disable this IRQ during suspend.  Does not guarantee
     *                   that this interrupt will wake the system from a suspended
     *                   state.  See Documentation/power/suspend-and-interrupts.rst
     * IRQF_FORCE_RESUME - Force enable it on resume even if IRQF_NO_SUSPEND is set
     * IRQF_NO_THREAD - Interrupt cannot be threaded
     * IRQF_EARLY_RESUME - Resume IRQ early during syscore instead of at device
     *                resume time.
     * IRQF_COND_SUSPEND - If the IRQ is shared with a NO_SUSPEND user, execute this
     *                interrupt handler after suspending interrupts. For system
     *                wakeup devices users need to implement wakeup detection in
     *                their interrupt handlers.


    static inline int __must_check
    request_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags, const char *name, void *dev)
    	return request_threaded_irq(irq, handler, NULL, flags, name, dev);


     *	request_threaded_irq - allocate an interrupt line
     *	@irq: Interrupt line to allocate
     *	@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs.
     *		  Primary handler for threaded interrupts
     *		  If NULL and thread_fn != NULL the default
     *		  primary handler is installed
     *	@thread_fn: Function called from the irq handler thread
     *		    If NULL, no irq thread is created
     *	@irqflags: Interrupt type flags
     *	@devname: An ascii name for the claiming device
     *	@dev_id: A cookie passed back to the handler function
     *	This call allocates interrupt resources and enables the
     *	interrupt line and IRQ handling. From the point this
     *	call is made your handler function may be invoked. Since
     *	your handler function must clear any interrupt the board
     *	raises, you must take care both to initialise your hardware
     *	and to set up the interrupt handler in the right order.
     *	If you want to set up a threaded irq handler for your device
     *	then you need to supply @handler and @thread_fn. @handler is
     *	still called in hard interrupt context and has to check
     *	whether the interrupt originates from the device. If yes it
     *	needs to disable the interrupt on the device and return
     *	IRQ_WAKE_THREAD which will wake up the handler thread and run
     *	@thread_fn. This split handler design is necessary to support
     *	shared interrupts.
     *	Dev_id must be globally unique. Normally the address of the
     *	device data structure is used as the cookie. Since the handler
     *	receives this value it makes sense to use it.
     *	If your interrupt is shared you must pass a non NULL dev_id
     *	as this is required when freeing the interrupt.
     *	Flags:
     *	IRQF_SHARED		Interrupt is shared
     *	IRQF_TRIGGER_*		Specify active edge(s) or level
    int request_threaded_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, irq_handler_t thread_fn, unsigned long irqflags, const char *devname, void *dev_id)

    • irq:割り込み線(Interrupt line)
    • handler:割り込みハンドラ(スレッド化された割り込みの優先ハンドラです。handler==NULL, thread_fn!=NULLの場合、デフォルト優先ハンドラが使用されます。)
    • thread_fn:割り込みハンドラスレッド(irq handler thread)から呼ばれる関数(引数がNULLの場合、割り込みハンドラスレッドは作成されません。)
    • irqflags:割り込みのタイプを決定するフラグ
    • devname:割り込み要求するデバイスの名前
    • dev_id:割り込みハンドラに渡されるcookie(どのデバイスからの割り込みかを区別するために使われます。)


    int devm_request_irq(struct device *dev, unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long irqflags, const char *devname, void *dev_id)
    • dev:割り込みを要求するためのデバイス
    • irq:割り込み線(Interrupt line)
    • handler:割り込みハンドラ
    • irqflags:割り込みのタイプを決定するフラグ
    • devname:割り込みを発生させるデバイス名
    • dev_id:割り込みハンドラに渡されるcookie(どのデバイスからの割り込みかを区別するために使われます。)


    static inline int __must_check
    devm_request_irq(struct device *dev, unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler,
    		 unsigned long irqflags, const char *devname, void *dev_id)
    	return devm_request_threaded_irq(dev, irq, handler, NULL, irqflags,
    					 devname, dev_id);


     *	devm_request_threaded_irq - allocate an interrupt line for a managed device
     *	@dev: device to request interrupt for
     *	@irq: Interrupt line to allocate
     *	@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs
     *	@thread_fn: function to be called in a threaded interrupt context. NULL
     *		    for devices which handle everything in @handler
     *	@irqflags: Interrupt type flags
     *	@devname: An ascii name for the claiming device, dev_name(dev) if NULL
     *	@dev_id: A cookie passed back to the handler function
     *	Except for the extra @dev argument, this function takes the
     *	same arguments and performs the same function as
     *	request_threaded_irq().  IRQs requested with this function will be
     *	automatically freed on driver detach.
     *	If an IRQ allocated with this function needs to be freed
     *	separately, devm_free_irq() must be used.
    int devm_request_threaded_irq(struct device *dev, unsigned int irq,
    			                  irq_handler_t handler, irq_handler_t thread_fn,
    			                  unsigned long irqflags, const char *devname, void *dev_id)

    • dev:割り込みを要求するためのデバイス
    • irq:割り込み線(Interrupt line)
    • handler:割り込みハンドラ
    • irqflags:割り込みのタイプを決定するフラグ
    • devname:割り込みを発生させるデバイス名
    • dev_id:割り込みハンドラに渡されるcookie(どのデバイスからの割り込みかを区別するために使われます。)






    devm_が付く関数はリソース管理が行われます。そういった関数は、Devres: Managed Device Resourceとして定義されています。ドライバの初期化に失敗した場合やデバイスが外された場合でも、リソース管理を行うことで領域の解放を保障できます。これによって、リークの心配などがなくなります。また、低レベルのドライバはdevresを使うことでよりシンプルに実装できます。


    コンピュータにおいて、割り込み要求(IRQ:Interrupt request)はハードウェア(H/W)の信号をプロセッサに送ります。これによって、実行中のプログラムを一時的に停止し、特別なプログラムの実行を許可し、実行します。この特別なプログラムを割り込みハンドラ(interrupt handler)といいます。H/W割り込みは、モデム、ネットワークカード、キー入力、マウス動作などのイベントを処理するために使用されます。
    割り込み要求可能なH/Wは、割り込み線(Interrupt line or IRQ line)と呼ばれる線を持っています。割り込み線は、通常「IRQ0, IRQ1, …」という形式で識別されます。
    例えば、プログラマブル割り込みコントローラのIntel 8529ファミリは8本の割り込み線を持ち、IRQ0~IRQ7として参照されます。
